Sunday 15 March 2009

Following the Footprints

Nishapur, a small city located out of Mashad is well known for the 'Qadmgah' – a place where the footprints of Imam Al Ridha [a] have been preserved from the time he went through this village till today. In and around Nishapur there are graves and shrines of many Imamzadehs as well as certain religious figures.

However the importance of Nishapur and its relevance has been exalted due to a prominent event that occurred there during the journey of Imam Al Ridha [a] from Medina to Toos. On his way the Imam [a] narrated a hadith which became preserved in the pages of history as the Hadith of the Golden Chain. The Imam [a] stopped at the town of Nishaphur and in a large gathering he narrated; 'The Kalima of 'La Ilaha Illallah' is My Fort and whoever enters it is safe from My punishment'. The people witnessing this scene started voicing the Kalima. After a short while, the Imam [a] stated further; 'But all depends on some conditions, and I am considered one of those conditions.'

It is interesting to note the statement that the Imam [a] mentions after stating the first part of the hadith. It sheds light on two fronts; the necessity of believing in the Imamah as well as adhering to the commandments of the Immaculate Imams [a] in our actions. To be successful we have to have firm belief in both these aspects. We, the Shias, have always believed in Muwaddat however we have failed to implement this fully. Muwaddat is not just love but love which is reflected in our actions and our deeds. Love which is not found in our actions is of no use to us, this love that we have can diminish without the actions that strengthen this love.

Incidentally, in Nishapur we find an example of Muwaddat too. A lady by the name of Shatita rests in Nishapur, the shrine of this lady stands out as an example of true love and it is where lessons are to be learned for those with open hearts. Every time I had been to her grave I had heard her story but I had never reflected as to why she was so blessed and had such a great honour until this visit. Her story is very simple but at the same time very beautiful. It reflects of her firm belief and love for the Ahlul Bayt [a]. She had at the time sent some khums money to the Imam [a] of her time, Imam Al Kadhim [a]. She gave one dirhams and a knitted piece of cloth worth four dirhams to the person who was going to see the Imam [a] and she stated; 'Innallah la yestahee minal haqqay' – Allah is proud of the truth even if the amount be small, while giving it to the person going to see the Imam [a]. When this person reaches the Imam [a] and meets him the Imam [a] asks for the knitted cloth and the dirham that was sent by Lady Shatita, he accepts that and in return sends his salaams to her as well as a bag containing 40 dirhams and a coffin cloth made by the Imam's sister using the threads from Fatima [s], the daughter of the Prophet [p]. And the Imam [a] also instructed to convey to Lady Shatita that the Imam [a] would come to recite her funeral prayers. As stated by the Imam [a] all this did occur within a short time of this person returning back to Nishapur and stating everything to Lady Shatita.

This incident is of importanance for ourselves which is that we need to improve in a manner that we are not thinking about the measure of truth nor we are aloof of our duties and responsibilities which relate to the Imam of our time. The way this lady was blessed with by the Imam [a] in the same manner we could also be if we uphold truth and be God-fearing. This is the lesson from my visit to Nishapur, following the footprints which mark success in this world and the hereafter.

May Allah give us the ability to be righteous and God-fearing and to fulfill our obligations and stay away from that which is forbidden.

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