Tuesday 8 December 2009

Meeting with the Ayatollah

Iran along with Iraq is the stronghold of Shia Knowledge and the institutions of Knowledge known as Hawzas are based in these two countries and more specifically the two main centres of learning are in Najaf in Iraq and Qum in Iran. These religious seminaries are run by the high ranking clerics known as Grand Ayatollahs - a term of define the personnel within the institution of Marjiyyah. The Grand Ayatollahs or Marajae are the religious figures who are a source of emulation for the millions of Shias around the world following the concept known as Taqleed.

During my visit to Iran previously I had been honoured to meet many of the high ranking clerics. However this time around it was different and in many special as well. Ayatollah MakaremShirazi is a grand ayatollah who resides in the Holy city of Qum where he runs a seminary of religious studies. Many thousands around the world follow him in matter pertaining to the Sharia and Jurisprudence. He is also an author of many great books and articles as well as an exegesis of the Holy Quran.

We sat off to visit him on a Friday evening in Mashad, his office was near the Haram of Imam al-Ridha [a] which was quite a norm for the high ranking clerics. We were welcomed by some of his students and aides into a small room which seemed like a place where gatherings are usually held by the Grand Ayatollah.

His speech was quite inspiring and interesting for the youths, he talked about how the portrayal of Islam should be in our countries due to us being representatives of the religion in the respective countries, he touched on that the distortion of the image of Islam is mainly due to the Wahhabi ideology that is prevalent. He also talked about how the youths should be the pioneers in the fields of science and industry in their countries and taking up roles which show progression to the world regarding Muslims. His vision was that the Muslims previously were pioneers of certain subjects of education and that era should be revived and re-established within the Muslim Ummah.

Lastly and the most important point of the day was regarding unity. He stressed the importance of unity during these times especially when different factions in Islam are causing problems between one another. He stated that the youths should be responsible and try to not create discord or divisions as Muslims and try to unite so that the world does not see the Muslims as scattered pieces. His speech ended with a note of thanks and prayers for the youths and hoping that they benefited from the Ziyarah of Imam al-Ridha [a].

While it was a short speech it touched on many of the points that are a cause for concern within the Muslim Ummah. I for one really appreciate his awareness to the extremist Wahhabi ideology and his advice for us youths on how to counter it by being non-confrontational as such. Ethics and moral do play a big role in enlightening others and this is sometimes the best approach. The speech was followed by a session of Q&A with the Grand Ayatollah.

I have included the full transcript of the speech in this entry for the readers.
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful

I am very glad to see you youths, who have come from various European countries as well as other Western countries for this Ziyarah trip. I will begin my speech by addressing the youths from the West.

You that live out there are the messengers and representatives of Islam. Therefore your conduct can spread the religion or prevent this spread of religion. Both your responsibilities and rewards are more. The enemies of Islam have started a dangerous campaign against us in the media.

They portray Islam to be a religion of violence and not love and peace. The reason behind this propaganda is because of the Wahhabi's who are causing problems everyday. We have to show through our conduct that these people are a minority. The best sign we can present is the Holy Book where 113 Surahs start with Bismillah. So we need to undo this propaganda by our conduct.

They say that the Muslim population is very backward. We have to prove through our actions by planning scientific and industrial developments in order to prove that this is wrong thinking. We should remind them that the subjects of Sciences, Maths and Humanities were all developed by the Muslims in the recent ages. Inshallah you all work in these fields as well.

The conflict about the differences within the Muslims is also something which is picked up by the enemies of Islam. They show us very divided people. It is the responsibility of all Muslims that which ever sect they are from they do not cause any division or differences.

When I see you youths, I see Islam spreading through the likes of you.

I pray with wholeheartedly that you leave this city with your sins forgiven, with light of the AhlulBayt [a] in your heart and I sincerely pray for all of you with the intercession of Imam al-Ridha [a].

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